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Forest, Farm & Arts School 

Christ-Centered Outdoor Education

First Thursdays 9-2

Join us each month for a day of outdoor exploration, creativity, hands-on learning, and Biblical study.  Our school-year programming offers integration of faith and learning as we discover God’s beautiful world and and his love for his creation.  Together we'll explore how we can be caretakers and co-creators.

Each month we'll offer hands-on learning for two separate age groups in the following 4 areas:

  • Forest:  Our focus in the fall term will be trees & birds in the spring term.

  • Farm: Our fall focus will be harvest, animal care,  and prepping for winter & in spring we'll focus on planning, planting, and animal care.

  • Crafts:  We'll provide opportunity for farm and forest-based crafting.

  • Biblical Study 



Fall Term

Sept 5

October 3

November 7

December 5





Spring Term

March 6

April 3

May 1

June 5


We'll separate groups by age and offer separate classes:

ages 6-10

ages 11-14

Sessions for 2024-2025

Fall Term


Cost: $200

Spring Term


Cost: $200


Financial Aid is available.  There is an option to request aid on the registration page

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